Monday, 28 January 2013

Twilight: Breaking Down

There I was, crouching in my shower one morning having just fumbled the soap, when the following thought occurred to me: do relationships revolve around life, or does life revolve around relationships?

All my life, I have been an only child, a stray cat, a lone wolf. Then, recently, I was accepted into a pack. My life now is much like that of Jacob in Twilight - I have to think of others when I make a kill, or order online from Waitrose.

And when I am not thinking about food, my mind is on Bella. If only there were two of her, one for me and one for Edward. Whilst her and I share a special bond, it would never work out. I mean, you do the math: Jacob + Bella + Mr Swan’s’s a recipe for disaster!

Anyway, enough of that. How, I hear you ask, am I moving on? Well, initially - and this might sound silly - I tried to rekindle my love of chess. Previously, as an infant, I was ranked 9th in the whole of Norway.

Unfortunately, despite the chess playing, moving on has been made difficult by, shall we say, circumstances. By this, I mean that our respective living arrangements have complicated matters... But we will discuss that next time.

Must bash dash,

Savage Rottweiler